Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Ok - NOW I'm starting to panic!

I think that this last week has gone by WAY too quickly - because I blinked and it's only about 36 hours before we are go for launch!  Seriously, where did the time go?  I have to keep reminding myself of the positives - because the all too real possibility of us not being able to leave till Saturday keeps popping up in my head.

First, I was successful in selling my car!  This is good, because moving 3,000+ miles is horrifically expensive (yes, I keep saying this - and it's still true).  Second, we were able to procure a newer 20-ft truck with only 4,000 miles on it for the same price of the 17-ft truck.  We will have a little extra room in the truck - but that is ok.  Third, we have been getting quite a bit of help - especially from Grandma Judy, Sabrina, & my Mom.  In fact, Grandma Judy has taken on the task of packing my kitchen - which is great, because I had been avoiding that like a plague-covered whore (ignore this last part if it offends - not my intention).  Fourth, Charlotte has no neurological or physical injuries from falling off the back of the U-Haul onto her head, on the concrete driveway...only a mild concussion and lots of bumps & bruises.  Fifth and probably last, Kev and I haven't killed each other yet...probably a good thing that all his knives and crossbows and weapons and geeky, sharp what-nots are packed at the front of the truck (so no easy access)!

And my final message of this post, because it keeps popping up in my head...

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